Contact Us

Nay. Nos. NYET!

We communicate only via our public forum;
–never, ever by phone. Why?

This policy is being adopted by a growing number of online concerns. It works well for us. It helps us avoid misunderstandings, misquotes, and subsequent, resultant mistakes. Our contact policy is for our customers’ security as well as ours. If we make a promise to you, it’s in writing. Neither party can say, “But you said —–!”

When we develop your product, we need to have everything written down, easily accessible, all in one place, because we never know who will end up processing your order. We’ve run into problems in the past, trying to keep track of a plethora of spoken promises, unclear answers to questions, phoned-in corrections, and updates, hastily-made additions, and deletions, etc. etc. Please don’t ask us to return your call.

All messages to TrixiePixGraphics (and replies) are NOT considered private and may be subject to public dissemination.

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